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  第八条 相关费用的承担情况

  Article 8:Regulations about other fees


  Party B undertakes a fee of RMB 1000 yuan monthly for ensuring public security.


  The charge of water is settled and paid to the actual usage each month.


  Party B pays party A RMB 400 yuan monthly as the fees for the public affairs such as maintenance of the environment and sanitation in party A’s factory as well as landscaping, etc.


  In case the workers and staff of party B have meals in party A’s mess hall, the meal cost is settled and paid monthly to the mess hall’s standard.


  For the management of industrial park, the related property management department will take the fees of rent, water & electricity and the fees for ensuring public security, etc.

  第九条 甲方负责园区内的环境卫生、门卫、保卫及水、电户外设施保养,维修等事务。厂房电梯(货梯)三至四楼使用时应保证乙方租赁的厂房电梯的正常运转。

  Article 9: Party A is responsible for the maintenance of environment and sanitization in the industrial park, safeguard, facilities of water, power outside, etc. The elevators in the leasing items shall run smoothly when the people on the third or fourth floors are using them.

  第十条 乙方在厂房内安装设备或堆放货物,不得超过楼面设计负载 500 kg/m²。乙方对房屋的使用和装修必须符合消防、环保、治安、防疫等方面的要求,按规定配置设施。租赁期间不得擅自改变房屋的使用性质和结构。乙方对房屋的使用和装修在消防、安全、防疫、环保等方面有特殊要求的,或国家对此有特别规定的,乙方应事先向政府有关部门申报批准,对原厂房进行改造所产生的全部费用由乙方承担。

  Article 10: Party B shall not install equipments or pile goods over 500 kilos per square meter in the leasing items. The use and decoration of the house shall comply with the requirements of fire control, environmental protection, public security and epidemic prevention etc. Party B shall not change the usage and construction of the leasing items. If party B has special requirements or the government has special regulations, party B shall first apply for approval from related government departments. If permitted, then all the expenses of reformation or improvement will be undertaken by party B.

  第十一条 乙方的财产应参加保险,并做好防盗、保安、防火防灾工作,对乙方因被盗、抢劫及火灾等事故或不可抗力(如地震、洪水等)所产生的任何损失,均由乙方自行承担,与甲方及物业管理公司无涉。

  Article 11:Party B should cover insurance for his property, and take proper measures to guard against theft, fire and ensure public security. In case of accidents, robbery, fire, etc or force majeure (like earthquake, flood...etc.), party B undertakes the loss by himself.



