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When this guy running for Congress told us how much money he'd save us taxpayers, we all gave him the horse laugh. We knew when he was in the state legislature he always voted for higher taxes. Harry thinks he's God's gift to women: that none of them can resist his charm. So we all gave him the horse laugh when he asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost. I used to laugh at my roommate in college -- he'd stay in and study on weekends while I went out for a good time. But I guess he has the last laugh on me. He's a famous brain surgeon and me, I'm selling used cars and barely make enough to live on.

笑是最好的药品。不管这句话对不对,美国大众读物「读者文摘」的一个笑话拦就是用这句话来做标题的。但是,笑并不一定总是显示高兴或快乐。笑这个字,也就是英文里的laugh,在一般情况下都含有褒意,可有的时候却包含一种贬意,类似耻笑、讥笑、冷笑等,这些当然不会是好的药品。今天我们要讲两个由laugh这个字组成的习惯用语,一个是 a horse laugh,另一个是 the last laugh。从这两个词汇中,我们就可以看到laugh这个字在英文里和中文一样具有正反两面的含义。现在,我们先来讲 a horse laugh。Horse就是一头马。A horse laugh在英文里并不是指马在笑。作为一个俗语,a horse laugh是一种表示不信任的嘲笑。下面这个例子是说一些人对某个竞选议员的候选人表示不信任: 例句-1: "When this guy running for Congres told us how much money he'd save us taxpayers, we all gave him the horse laugh. We knew when he was in the state legislature he always voted for higher taxes." 这句话翻成中文就是说:"当这个竞选国会议员席位的人对我们说,他会为我们这些缴税的人省多少钱的时候,我们大家都哄堂大笑。我们知道,在他担任州议员的期间,他老是投票赞成提高税收的。" 我们再来举个例子,看看 a horse laugh 在句子里是怎么用的: 例句-2: "Harry thinks he's God's gift to women: that none of them can resist his charm. So we all gave him the horse laugh when he asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost." 这句话是说:"哈里总是以为自己具有莫大的魅力,女人们都被他倾倒,他就像上帝恩赐给女人的礼物一样。所以,当他请班里新来的那个女孩去看电影,而被那女孩毫不客气地拒绝了以后,我们都禁不住地嘲笑他。 下面我们要讲的一个和 laugh 这个字有关的俗语是 the last laugh。The last laugh的意思就是,在某人开始做一件事情的时候,许多人都说他不会成功。但是最后他还是成功了。这时候,他的心里很高兴,也许还很得意,这就是the last laugh。发明飞行的赖特兄弟两人就是一个例子。当他们在1903年十二月宣布他们将实现人类飞行的梦想的时候,有的报纸写文章讥笑他们。可正是那一天,他们开创了人类进入飞行的新时代。The last laugh可以说是最令人满意的笑了。我们来举个例子吧: 例句-3: "I used to laugh at my roommate in college -- he'd stay in and study on weekends while I went out for a good time. But I guess he has the last laugh on me. He's a famous brain surgeon and me, I'm selling used cars and barely make enough to live on." 这个人说:"我过去在大学的时候总是笑话我同宿舍的同学,因为他周末老是呆在学校念书,而我总是出去玩。现在,我猜想他一定很得意地在笑我。他已经成为一个脑外科专家,而我则以卖旧汽车为生,只能勉强糊口。" 以上我们向大家介绍了两个和laugh这个字有关的词汇。它们是a horse laugh和the last laugh。

美国习语: 亲你要hold住,一定保密哦!

Hang on to your hat -- you won't believe this but last night Bill asked me to marry him ! Hi, honey, I have something to tell you. Now hang on to your hat -- the boss says he wants me to take charge of the new office in Honolulu. How about that for a nice surprise ! Mary told me her husband is seeing another woman and she's thinking about leaving him but please keep it under your hat. Can you keep a secret? The boss's secretary just told me she's leaving for another job. She told me not to tell anybody else, so keep it under your hat.

hang on to your hat to keep something under your hat 要是你头上根本没有戴帽子,而有人对你说:Hang on to your hat,hang on就是抓住的意思,所以Hang on to your hat从字面上解释就是:抓住你的帽子。可是,你既没有戴帽子,为什么人家要叫你:抓住你的帽子呢?实际上,hang on to your hat是一个俗语,不能按它的字面来解释。Hang on to your hat这个俗语的真实意思就是:有特别惊人的消息,你要准备好,不要因为过于惊奇而让帽子都从头上掉了下来。下面这个例子是一个女子在对她的朋友说话: "Hang on to your hat--you won't believe this but last night Bill asked me to marry him!" 她说:"告诉你一件特大消息,你肯定不会相信。可是,昨天晚上比尔向我求婚啦!" 恋爱、成亲当然是件喜事。可是,对那些已经结了婚的人来说,喜从何来呢?他们也有各式各样的喜事。美国人都很向往到夏威夷的檀香山去,那里四季温暖,景色迷人,当地人又是以对人友好著称。所以,下面这个例子里说话的人当然就很高兴了: "Hi, honey, I have something to tell you! Now hang on to your hat--the boss says he wants me to take charge of the new office in Honolulu. How about that for a nice surprise!" 这个人对他的太太说:"亲爱的,我要告诉你一个消息。你得小心听着:我的老板说,他要我负责管理檀香山新开办的分公司。怎么样,这个出人意料的消息真不错吧!" 帽子是一个藏东西的好地方,不管是把一封信放在帽子底下不让别人看到,还是戴上一顶帽子把自己的秃顶遮起来。下面我们要讲的一个俗语就是这个意思:to keep something under your hat。To keep something under your hat的意思就是:我要告诉你一个秘密,但是千万不要告诉任何人。例如,下面这个女子正在告诉她的朋友有关另一个朋友的秘密,她说: "Mary told me her husband is seeing another woman and she's thinking about leaving him but please keep it under your hat." 她说:"玛丽告诉我她的丈夫有外遇。玛丽正在考虑跟她丈夫分手。不过,请你千万不要对别人说。" 世界上要保密的事好像很多。下面又是一个例子: "Can you keep a secret? The boss's secretary just told me she's leaving for another job. She told me not to tell anybody else, so keep it under your hat." 这个人说:"你能保密吗?我们老板的秘书刚刚告诉我老板要上别处去工作了。他的秘书叫我不要对任何人说,所以你得保密呀!" 我们今天讲了两个和"hat"这个字有关的习惯用语。第一个是:hang on to your hat。Hang on to your hat这个俗语的意思是:马上就要告诉你一个惊人的消息,所以准备好,不要过于震惊。我们今天给大家介绍的第二个和"hat"这个字有关的习惯用语是:to keep something under your hat。To keep something under your hat的意思就是保密。

美国习语: 害群之馬,善意谎言

Uncle Joe is the black sheep in the family. Instead of getting a job, all he does is drink too much, gamble away any money he gets and chase after women. We all thought my youngest brother was the black sheep in our family. In fact he was in so much trouble he ran away to Australia. But he started a new life there, married a wonderful girl, and now he's a millionaire. I told a white lie when I told Jennie her boyfriend was good-looking. The truth is he's just about the ugliest man I've ever seen. My mother and dad taught me never to tell a lie. So I feel guilty every time I tell even a little white lie, although I do it just to make somebody feel better.

黑颜色和白颜色往往是对立的。黑代表黑夜和邪恶,而白象征着日光、善良或美德。在美国好莱坞早期那些无声电影里,导演往往给英雄人物戴上白帽子,而给坏蛋戴黑帽子。这样,连十岁的孩子一看就马上知道谁是好人,谁是坏人。白帽和黑帽就这样逐渐成了一个习惯的说法,也就是 white hats and black hats。White hats and black hats 就代表好人和坏人。黑和白这两个字 black and white 经常在美国的成语和俗语中出现。可是,它们并不一定像好人、坏人那样黑白分明。有时候,黑还具有肯定和积极的意思。例如,对一个做生意的人来说 in the black 就意味着赚钱,而不是亏本。今天,我们要讲两个和 black and white 这两个字有关的成语。首先我们来讲一个和black有关的常用语 a black sheep。Black 当然是指黑颜色,而 sheep 是一头羊的意思。一头黑颜色的羊 a black sheep 指的是一个给他周围的人带来耻辱的人。请听下面这个例子: 例句-1: "Uncle Joe is the black sheep in the family. Instead of getting a job, all he does is drink too much, gamble away any money he gets and chase after women." 这句话翻成中文就是:"乔叔叔是他们家的败家子。他不是去找个工作,而是成天喝酒,有了一点钱就去赌,还老是玩女人。" 我们再来举一个例子: 例句-2: "We all thought my youngest brother was the black sheep in our family. In fact he was in so much trouble he ran away to Australia. But he started a new life there, married a wonderful girl, and now he's a millionaire." 这句话的意思是:"我们都认为我最小的弟弟是我们家的败家子。实际上,他闯了好多祸,最后只好逃到澳大利亚去。可是,他在那里重起炉灶,和一个非常好的女孩结了婚,现在都成了百万富翁了。" 下面我们要讲的一个习惯用语是和 white 这个字有关系的,这就是 A white lie。Lie 就是谎话的意思。那末,难道骗人还分黑白吗?是的。A white lie 的意思就是那种为了避免使对方感到难受而说的谎话。比如说,一个女孩子新交的男朋友很难看,但是为了不要使她感到难受,你说了个谎,说你认为他很英俊。回到家,你就对丈夫说: 例句-3: "I told a white lie when I told Jennie her boyfriend was goodlooking. The truth is he's just about the ugliest man I've ever seen." 她说:"我骗珍妮说,她的男朋友很英俊。其实,他大概是我看到的所有男人当中最难看的了。" 我们再来举一个例子: 例句-4: "My mother and dad taught me never to tell a lie. So I feel guilty every time I tell even a little white lie, although I do it just to make somebody feel better." 这个人说:"我爸爸妈妈总是教我绝对不能说谎话。因此,每当我说一点谎,即便是为了让某人感到好受一点而说谎的时候,我都好像做错了事一样。" 今天我们讲了两个和黑和白,也就是 black and white 有关的俗语。它们是 a black sheep 和 a white lie。


Read this book by Professor Winter -- he's a top gun in Shakespeare research. Sorry, I don't handle divorces myself, but if you really want to divorce your husband, I can give you the name of two of the top guns in New York when it comes to getting a good divorce settlement. I hate to tell you this, but if we don't get more customers the next three months, the bottom line is that we'll go out of business. Our new cook from Sichuan is bringing in a lot more people. And the bottom line is that last month we made a profit of $15,000.

每个人的生活道路几乎都是崎岖不平,有上有下的。当然,一般人都喜欢攀登到社会的高峰,而不愿意沦落到社会的最低层。美国的俗语和成语充份地反应了这种概念。今天我们就来介绍两个跟上和下,也就是top和bottom这两个字有关系的习惯用语。美国的电影院里曾经放映过一部电影,名字叫《Top Gun》《Top Gun》这部电影的情节是讲几个海军的战斗机驾驶员为了争夺最佳驾驶员的地位而互相倾轧。可是,top Gun这个常用词汇在喷气式飞机诞生前很久就已经出现。那还是在美国开拓西部的时候,那些西部神枪手有时为了获得最佳枪手的称号而互相残杀。现在,top gun这个习惯用语已经没有什么火药味了。一位大学教师很可能会用top gun这个词来对学生说: 例句-1: "Read this book by Professor Winter -- he's a top gun in Shakespeare research." 这位教师说:"大家看一下温特教授写的这本书,他是在莎士比亚研究方面最优秀的学者。" Top Gun这个习惯用语在美国律师当中用得也很多。下面的例子就是一个律师在给他的委托人提供建议: 例句-2: "Sorry, I don't handle divorces myself, but if you really want to divorce your husband, I can give you the name of two of the top guns in New York when it comes to getting a good divorce settlement." 这位律师说:"对不起,我本人不处理离婚案这种业务。但是,如果你一定要和你丈夫离婚,那我可以把纽约的两个在处理离婚财产方面最好的律师介绍给你。" 上面我们讲的是和top这个字有关的俗语,下面我们要给大家介绍一个由bottom这个字组成的习惯用语:bottom line。Bottom line这个词汇是做生意的人开始用的。每个公司的会计在财政报告上都要把收入和开支加起来,然后得出一个最关键的数字,也就是这个公司究竟盈利多少,或亏损多少。这就是所谓的bottom line。现在,bottom line这个词汇已经成为人们经常用的了,不仅商人,而且连政府官员和其他一般人都用。我们来 举个例子吧。这是一个饭馆老板在说话: 例句-3: "I hate to tell you this, but if we don't get more customers the next three months, the bottom line is that we'll go out of business." 他说:"我很不愿意告诉你。但是,要是我们在今后三个月里不能招揽更多的顾客的话,归根结蒂的问题是我们必然会倒闭的。" 我们下面要举的例子还是和这个饭馆的经营有联系的。在老板说了以上的话半年后,他们的生意已经兴旺得多了。他对他的合夥人说: 例句-4: "Our new cook from Sichuan is bringing in a lot more people. And the bottom line is that last month we made a profit of fifteen thousand dollars." 他说:"我们那个从四川来的新厨师吸引了不少顾客。其结果是上个月我们赚了一万五千美元。" 美国人经常问下面这个问题:What's the bottom line? 这就是说,在对一个问题讨论结束后,其结果到底是什么,这也是有关的人所必须了解的内容。 今天我们讲了两个习惯用语,一个是:top gun;另一个是:bottom line。「美国习惯用语」第二十四讲就到里。欢迎下次再一起来学习美国习惯用语。再见。


We were playing Chicago there and the crowd was yelling and booing and waving handkerchiefs to distract us. But I kept my eye on the ball, swung as hard as I could and hit a home run. That Chicago crowd sure quieted down as I jogged around the bases. Tom, your sales record is way down the past six months. You've only sold 17 cars all this time. You'd better start keeping your eye on the ball, or you'll find yourself looking for another job. Of course, John and I have had a few problems, just like most married couples. But I always felt we had a good, solid marriage. So it was a terrible eye-opener when I opened the letter he'd left on the kitchen table and found out he'd run off with his old college sweetheart. Seeing those color films the astronauts took off the earth on their flight to the moon was certainly an eye-opener. I never realized how beautiful and how lonely our planet looks hanging there in space.

人们把眼睛称为"灵魂的窗户"、"世界的窗户"以及"心灵的窗户"等等。怪不得eye这么一个只有三个字母组成的字出现在那末多的美国成语和俗语里。 今天我们先来讲to keep one's eye on the ball。To keep one's eye on the ball这个常用语原先是来自球类运动,如网球、高尔夫球、垒球等。你一定要把眼睛看准了才能打到这些球。下面这个垒球运动员说的话就能说明问题: "We were playing Chicago there and the crowd was yelling and booing and waving handkerchiefs to distract us. But I kept my eye on the ball, swung as hard as I could and hit a home run. That Chicago crowd sure quieted down as I jogged around the bases." 这位垒球手说:"我们那时正在芝加哥和当地一个球队比赛,看球的人群又喊又嚷,还挥动手绢想分散我们的注意力。可是,我集中精力,使出所有的劲儿来打球,结果打了一个本垒打。这下,当我沿着垒跑的时候,芝加哥的观众就变得很安静了。" 可是现在to keep one's eye on the ball已经可以应用到一般的事物上了。让我们来举一个汽车推销员的例子吧。这个人家里有些事不顺心,使他在工作时很分散精力。于是,他的老板就把他叫到办公室去对他说: "Tom, your sales record is way down the past six months. You've only sold 17 cars all this time. You'd better start keeping your eye on the ball, or you'll find yourself looking for another job." 这位老板说:"汤姆,你的销售量在过去半年中一直很低。你在这段时间里一共才卖了十七辆汽车。你还是集中注意力地工作,不然,你恐怕得另找工作了。" 还有一个由eye这个字组成的、非常有用的习惯用语是eye-opener。Eye-opener是一个字。Eye-opener有两个意思,一个是表示惊奇,就像下面这个女子所表达的情绪: "Of course, John and I have had a few problems, just like most married couples. But I always felt we had a good, solid marriage. So it was a terrible eye-opener when I opened the letter he'd left on the kitchen table and found out he'd run off with his old college sweetheart." 这个被抛弃的妻子说:"当然,约翰和我是有一些矛盾,就像大多数夫妻一样。但是,我一直认为我们的婚姻是有牢固基础的。所以,当我打开他留在厨房桌上的信,知道他和他以前大学里的女朋友出走了的时候,我真是非常惊奇。" Eye-opener的另一意思是:开阔了眼界。请听下面这个例子: "Seeing those color films the astronauts took off the earth on their flight to the moon was certainly an eye-opener. I never realized how beautiful and how lonely our planet looks hanging there in space." 这句话的意思是:"看到宇航员在登上月球时拍的那些有关地球的彩色照片真是开了眼界。我从来也不知道我们的地球在空间是这么美丽、这么孤单。" 以上我们讲了两个和eye这个字有关的习惯用语。它们是:to keep one's eye on the ball和 eye-opener。To keep one's eye on the ball是集中精力的意思。Eye-opener可以解释为很惊奇,或开阔眼界。


★ 美国习语:A horse laugh

★ 美国习语:左右不定

★ 美国习语第30街

★ 美国习语第13街

★ 美国习语:互相攻击

★ 美国习语第57街

★ 美国习语第38街

★ 美国习语第18街

★ 美国习语学习:互相攻击

★ 美国习语学习:竞选总统



