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1. To ________ for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him.

A. commence B. compromise C. compensate D. compliment [CET-6, 1998, 1]

2. Drugs like opium have been______ except for medical purposes.

A. outlawed B. forbidden C. shunned D. prohibited

3. The _______ of schools, stores, hospitals, and so on is an important factor to consider when purchasing a house.

A. vicinity B. closeness C. proximity D. nearness

4. The story he tells is largely _______, based on his own experience in Somalia.

A. apparent B. virtual C. factual D. concrete

5. If you know what the trouble is, why don't you help them to _______ the situation?

A. simplify B. modify C. verify D. rectify

6. It was in 1930s that scientists first _______ the idea of the atom bomb.

A. imagined B. contemplated C. reckoned D. conceived

7. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important _____ of American life.

A. facets B. fashions C. frontiers D. formats [CET-6, 2000, 1]

8. A friendship may be _______, casual, situation or deep and lasting.

A. identical B. original C. superficial D. critical

9. The joys of travel, having long _____ the disabled, are opening.

A. omitted B. missed C. neglected D. discarded

10. The case against Robert Jones was _______ for lack of evidence.

A. discarded B. dismissed C. eliminated D. resigned

11. As we all know, Britain _______ for control of the seas in the 17th century.

A. competed B. conflicted C. fought D. contended

12. They have always regarded a man of _______ and fairness as a reliable friend.

A. robustness B. temperament C. integrity D. compactness

13. The doctor tried to ________ the patient's suffering.

A. diminish B. reduce C. decrease D. alleviate

14. The reason why he ________ facts throw light on the mystery of the accident.

A. distorts B. retorts C. extorts D. deforms

15. The cultures of China and Japan have shared many features, but each has them according to its national ________.

A. engagement B. destiny C. capacity D. temperament [CET-6, 1999, 1]

16. I'm a ________ man, but your behaviors are more than I can bear.

A. tolerant B. responsible C. generous D. enthusiastic

17. Psychologists have found that _______ disciplinary measures do not always make a child better behave.

A. stiff B. rough C. stern D. stout

18. Some boys are ________ questioners. They ask questions all the time.

A. original B. imaginative C. peculiar D. persistent [CET-6, 1989, 6]

19. Jack London was a (n) _________ man who wrote many books, but not all of them good.

A. anxious B. critical C. considerate D. ambitious

20. The travelers ________their journey after a short break.

A. recovered B. resumed C. renewed D. restored


1. 答案为C。

A. commence:开始 B. compromise(with):妥协,采取折中办法 C. compensate(for):赔偿,补偿 D. compliment:赞美

2. 答案为A 。

A. outlaw:宣布…为非法 B. forbid:禁止,不准 C. shun:躲开,回避,避免 D. prohibit:禁止,比forbid 正式,常指官方下的禁令

3. 答案为C。

A. vicinity:用于短语 in the vicinity of 附近,近处 B. closeness(to):靠近 C. proximity:接近,proximity of 距离…近 D. nearness:与closeness词义用法相同

4. 答案为C。

A. apparent:表面上的,显然的 B. virtual:事实上的,实际上的 C. factual:根据事实的,如实的,真实的 D. concrete:具体的,清楚而确切的

5. 答案为D。

A. simplify:简单化 B. modify:修改,修正,修饰 C. verify:证实,核实 D. rectify:纠正,矫正(过失功错误)

6. 答案为D。

A. imagine:想像 B. contemplate:盘算,思量 C. reckon:认为,测算 D. conceive:构想出,设想

7. 答案为 A. facet:(情况或问题的)一个方面 B. fashion:式样,风尚 C. frontier:边界,前沿 D. format:格式

8. 答案为C。

A. identical:完全相同的 B. original:起初的,原来的 C. superficial:肤浅的,表面上的 D. critical:批评的,决定性的

9. 答案为C。

A. omit:省略,删去 B. miss:遗漏,错过 C. neglect:忽略,忽视 D. discard:抛弃,扔掉

10. 答案为B。

A. discard: 抛弃,扔掉 B. dismiss:驳回(诉讼) C. eliminate:排除,消除 D. resign:辞职

11. 答案为D。 A. compete:竞争 B. conflict:冲突,争夺 C. fight:打仗,打斗 D. contend (for):争夺,争霸

12. 答案为C。

A. robustness:精力充沛,健壮 B. temperament:性格,气质 C. integrity :正直,诚实 D. compactness:(文体)简洁,简明

13. 答案为:D。

A. diminish:(数量、程度上)减少,降低 B. reduce

